Monday, February 23, 2009

Its not just about them

Today, watching my Twitter stream I was sulking slightly at all the #Kickstart09 tweets - all those lucky journalists and vendors up in sunny Queensland. So I idly tweeted:

EmVicW: Thinking we also need #notatkickstart just to make me feel less alone ;-)

And suddenly I am feeling very proud because in the last hour all the PRs, vendors and journalists who have *not* gone to Queensland for the gathering have crept out and declared themselves. Handily we now all know who is, and who is not at Kickstart. Excellent.

Emboldened by my prowess, I decided to reveal a plan I had been a-planning for a while:

EmVicW: Looking to start a Sydney tech PR informal networking scene. Who would be interested?

I already have four replies from non Kinetics folk, and know a few other people in my Twitter network will be up for it once they are back from their meetings or whatever it was they tweeted was keeping them busy this afternoon.

I am keen for PR folk in Sydney to get to know each other a little better, because we have so much in common. Without threatening anyone's competitive secrets I think we can definitely pally up a little more over a pint of beer, to the benefit of the general standards of PR.

Keep you posted on how we go!

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